thanks to Abdullah and Yves Thibord, i now know that this is Cheb Zahouania, whose name:
(from Yves) "could be tranlated "Happy-go-lucky", a star of algerian rai since the mid 80', and still today. Her "scandalous" duo with Cheb Hasni "we make love in a Shabby Shack" started their careers, Hasni was murdered by the islamists in 94. He is still a big star in Algeria...
Maghni is credited , this guy was the keybord player for a lot of recording in Oran (Algeria), Boualem (her husband) is the editor of the "label" DiscoMaghreb, meaning this cassette was probably recorded at the end of the 80's (in one night) the tracks are some of her best known tunes. you must have an moroccan edition printed in arabic caracter, the algerian original was printed in latin caracters. one thing is that the singers were recording many versions of the same tune, Zahouania must have recorded many hundreds of cassettes... A Cd version of this cassette has probably been released since (it is what i bought and presented here - zhao)."
since they are a contemporary group, i was not going to share this (or at least not in its entirety), but after a search i could find no place to purchase the CD or digital files. if anyone finds such a place please let me know and i will link to it, and remove the download.
oh, and to the racist asshole who left a message in the last Morrocco post, don't bother trying to broadcast your ignorance and stupidity, it's not worth anyone's time.
hey there. i loved the record in the first morrocco post. are you going to provide a link to the album up the top there, with the woman who looks like the 2nd grade teacher? really interested to hear that!
link to first album fixed!
Hey Zhao,
I personally know this band, Amarg Fusion and put them on my Experience Morocco CD
Their albums are avialable but I think only in Morocco.
The second grade teacher is Cheba Zahouania.
Second album: CAUTION! Rampant auto-tune abuse! ;) I guess this is the Moroccan T-Payne? Kind of tragic really. Thanks for the posts though!
rapidshare link to first file is broken. It goes to "" but misses off the ""
there may be a way round it but I cant get there :(
But thanks for sharing anyway
Thank you so much for sharing these. Being unemployed and with the cost of CDs here, I'm really reluctant to drop $18.99 on something I have no idea of.
this is great! Bouncing joyous stuff - sitting here on a cold grey night it lifts the spirits! Thanx...
Zhao, once again your selection makes my day, really digging Cheb Zahounia and the auto tune LPs, I'm going to have a blast cruising around LA in my subcompact car whilst playing them at illegal volumes. chukran bro
The Berber reggae is some of the most exciting pop music being done anywhere. They're also making radical use of Auto-Tune to do wild things with the vocal pitches. Incredibly adventurous music. I don't hear it as "auto-tune abuse," it's a signature of that style.
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