The positive side of globalization: irresistable 21st century urban music arise on every continent. India, Cuba, Tanzania, Egypt, Cape Town, these are just a few places where wild hybrid styles are born: futuristic, bass heavy and electronic, yet drawing from the wealth of local musical heritage. the NGOMA series bring the heat from musical hotspots across the known world -- the wickedest beats and sweetest flows.
rapidshare or megaupload
gonna ditto the yummy, and go get gravy to put on my musical biscuits. thanks
its all about kwaito. sounding good.
then chris you are in for a treat come next volume. south african deep house oh yes... no worries africans show us how it's done. :D
Hey thanks, AMAZING stuff on this blog.
wow this rocks. Zhao, when is your next show in Berlin... I may just make the trip from London.
glad you like mena! next NGOMA party just confirmed: Feb. 23rd. you won't be the only Londoner coming! :)
Its on bro. I'll be there. email me details at menamarkhanna AT gmail
I'm gonna dive in to see what treasure from what country I can find :)
I have a few contacts in Kenya and Tanzania, let me know when so I can pass the info to you. -Dj Pelau
Oh, you've looked me up. I'm a composer at Oxford and I study with Salvatore Sciarrino in Italy.
Wadi-n-Natrun is an area of ancient Coptic monasteries in Egypt. I wrote this piece for solo cello while I was there doing chant research.
there are no secrets with google :D
read a bit of the description of your music, sounds wicked! afro-arabian avant classical? bring it on!!! :D if you ever feel like dropping some i'd love to hear it! bigup!
If you like it, post it. And get back to me.
this mix is great! thanks for sharing. i am having a bit of problem with some of the files, though. the ones with : or ? won't extract properly on my pc, and i can't play #s 2, 3, 10, 12, 13, 20, 25, 26, 27 or 31 :(
or maybe i should just try downloading the single-track upload...
ouch! that really sucks! you are not getting the experience at all then! :(
but those tracks don't have ":" or "?" in their file names... did you try downloading it again?
does any other PC user have this problem?
if you still have problems after another try, and do want the separate tracks, i can email you an FTP address where you can grab them.
sorry about inconvenience...
maybe it's just my pc that screwed the files up :/
good news is that the single track download works fine. i'm really enjoying it, thanks again!
Thanks so much for the music. I'm looking forward to the mix after listening to Ghost Dub a bunch. I also had trouble extracting those same track #'s as SEAN. PC user as well. In the zip file there are single : 's in the titles to those specific tracks if that helps at all.
Pinksolar, Sean:
apologize to the PC users who had some problems with some of the files. all new links below containing files with no spaces in their names. please let me know if you continue to have problems.
Big upsss ss s! Gruss aus der Nachbarschaft! Ich ziehe mir jetzt mal deinen Mix rein, über Blentwell gefunden.
Vielen Dank für den Hinweis! Glücklich, Sie genießen! Sie kommen nach der Party???????
Zhao is transmitting, the world is listening. 'Nuff said. 1
Cafu Zo, you being snarky or what?
Nah man, no snarkiness involved. The mix is tight like the Lakers' d with the twin towers holding down air traffic. I'm usually pretty sceptic about etnik beats of whatever persuasion, but your mix flows proper - good music, plain and simple. Oh, and the link was for enlightenment only. Check it out if you haven't already - it's short and sweet.
For curiosity, is that you or lateef freestyling on that last track? Or some kid from the local rundfunkturm squad? Reminds me of capital d/all natural. Good sh1t anyway.
bigup bigup. thanks for the kind words. really means a lot... as most people involved with music knows, it's a labor of love sometimes with no so much reward - but to know that people feel it somehow, that's all it takes to keep going. have to admit that bullshit link took me for a spin... totally misinterpreted it.
no that would be Emile YX from SA. was how i felt first hearing it: sincerity in hiphop and not corny? how can such a thing even exist in the 21st?? guess i should check Capital D now.
It's all good. I do understand - far too many jokers out there on the interweb. Funnily enough, it's that jokerism which is the subject of Frankfurt's critical appraisal. His is a defence of substance, of commitment to truth, and thus to the dividing line between wrong and right. Obviously, this becomes a bit more difficult in the case of aesthetic judgments, but I probably don't have to tell you this...
It's difficult 'giving back' to people like yourself, especially when one isn't part of the scene (anymore). But it is difficult to not appreciate the love and dedication that you have brought to widening the muscial horizons of a great many people. In an ideal world, sharing the immediate, incensing beauty of musical expression would have a spiritual dimension reaching beyond existence under the influence (and probably it does, sometimes), but it's a rare phenomenon - for those who know.
Waxing philosophical...
Well, here's a small token of appreciation:
- so you can judge whether to seek out more of capital's stuff on your own. P/W is the name of a soon-to-happen dope party ;) Keep enjoying the German capital, and leave a message if you're planning to take it to the EU capital at some point... 1
danke for web and DL links! Z-man holler at ya when Z-man in Brussels! stay fly and keep diggin! :D
Any chance you could re-up some of your earlier mixes (the conscious reggae, zen mix etc). Lovin' it all!
thanks Anonymous! and good job with the anti-scientology demonstrations this past weekend :D
zen mix? which one is that? i don't remember making one a those... nice idea though -- a meditative set.
but yeah. i'm going to get it together now is the time. will be putting up a new blog / myspace / face book, the works, and will for sure make ALL of my mixes available in one place. been a slacker too long.
cheers to you
hey nice one... just stumbled upon this, and i will check it out!
if you ever come to amsterdam let me know, we run a site here and a webradio - see and
i might have a few tunes for your next mix.
am also in berlin every now & then and my friend from south africa lives there who is also deeply into african hip hop. u should hook up.
rumba-kali, how do i contact you? at the websites?
feel free to send me an email:
different_waters at hotmail dot com
Thanks for such great and refreshing music!
Anyone having trouble with extracting the files on PC, try 7-Zip. It extracted the files with ":" without errors. WinRAR and Windows' own zip system seem to fail with those.
7-zip did the trick thx!!!
no chance of Zshare or Mediafire? :(
but thanks either way
Hi, dear Mr Zhao!Many thanks for all the beautiful sounds you bring to us.I have tried to download your NGOMA mix (separate tracks) by all means (Filefront, Rapidshare & Megaupload as well) but the following tracks are always missing : n°2,3,6,10,12,13,18,20,21,25,26,and 27.Happily, the mixed version of NGOMA is working fine.Any solution to this remaining problem?Kind regards. Stéphane (former DJ, now a prison officer in french guiana...)
very strange slj3... i will look into it. anyone else have more problems?
zhao- one word, NGOMA= AMAZING, wow, you did a great job!
thank you for the music
Oh wow what a surprise this is. Couldn't attend Vechtclub in Utrecht tonight but I'm sure I missed a big event. What an AMAZING mix this is!!!!
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