

big thanks to Arlei for the excellent camera work, Carolin for making connections, Nuwella, Jessica and Maya, for their support and just being amazing.

time was 1 - 3:30 PM. most people were just waking up i think (but some already on what looks like some good drugs :) due to the time of day and mood, Congo played pretty straight and sunny (maybe a bit overcast), and did not get into his crazy effects boxes too much... we need to record an evil-dead apocalypse dub night time set soon. and Robbie usually plays with at the very least 3 kongas, preferring to have a dozen or more drums in front of him, where his hands just become a blur... but at this they only had 2 kongas for him.

we look forward to playing many more shows and also recording (if you know some promoters or festival organizers in your city please don't hesitate to send this to them!)



linden said...

beautiful beautiful beautiful please bring this to new york

seemo said...

great set man! i'm trying to know which genre is the sample between 5:00 and 5:35... :oD