Remko Scha is a professor of computational linguistics at the faculty of humanities and Institute for Logic, Language and Computation at the University of Amsterdam. He is also an internationally renowned composer and performer of algorithmic art.
He has also made recordings of music which has been generated by motor-driven machines. One example of this type of music is his 1982 album of electric guitar music,"Machine Guitars", on which all guitars are played by saber saws without human intervention, except for one in which the guitar is played by a rotating wire brush, again with no human intervention.
Machine Guitars. 33 rpm LP. Eindhoven: Kremlin Products, KR006. 1982. (Cover art work by The Machines.)
A1 Shake
A2 Throb
A3 Thrash
A4 Switch
B1 Stroke
B2 Sweep
B3 Slam
B4 Brush

Asian Flashback: Underground Music From Asia
13 tracks from Asian underground bands in Japan, Korea and China
Track Listing:
1. Li Jianhong, Narita Munehiro, Hano Shoji-Tokyo Session
2. Mustangs-Saliva
3. Kiyasu Orchestra-Village
4. Mafeisan-C
5. 10: U-A-U
6. Xiao He-Bird and Water
7. D!O!D!O!D!-EisaO TGB
8. Sato Yukie-Solo Improvisation
9. Yoshiteru Koga Jizo-MugaMuga
10. Kim Young Jin-Rock Sanjo Medley
11. Li Daiguo-Ashineden
12. Amature Amplifier-Plurius
13. Soonie-Imagine

Sorry for lack of posts lately. Like many of my generation, I am now taking care of an aging parent with alzheimers disease which consumes almost all of my time. I'll try and post whenever I can..........
hey no worries, thanks for the post, and i hope you are good in this difficult time.
whoa really out there weird music tom...
Nice Post. Thanks for sharing this information with us.
I've just discovered this site & feel like a kid in a candy shop.
Any chance of re-upping Michel Redolfi's Desert Tracks?
Hello and Bravo for your tremendous site.
Love & Adding Value
thanx for sharing!
Awesome rant there. hey you might like my band's noise, too the State Workers? but really this communiquie is to ask you ot check out my band new blog (with an ives 4 i thought you'd like)
and the band improv stuff is there, too; just click on the dognose.
thanks again, sorry to be suck a shameless promoter but its been days and no one get there.
yea yeah call the Waaambulance.
thanks a lot !
hello could somebody re-up if possible? im a rapidshare premium sorta chap.
many thanks world!
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