to celebrate Out Here records' release of Ayobaness: the Sound of South Afrian House, the first compilation of its kind in Europe (here is what The Wire said), SA superstars the Pastor, Mgo and dancers flew into Germany for a series of live shows, and i was lucky enough to be part of the one in Berlin. the space in Haus Der Kulturen Der Welt is very big and offical looking, so it was a little like dancing in a museum or the Reichstag, but the party popped off very nicely. AYOBAAAAAAAAAA-AYOBANESS!!!
the link to the story isn't working...
thanks Alex! fixed!
so... whacha tryina say?
dam homie, i'm fuggin sorry u got these wack trolls. who knew? uh... was wonderin... i make mixes owl the thyme yknow, but recently i gathered together about a cd's worth of pearls that live on albums that simply don't make the grade. you can't polish a turd, or can you? i ferget the expression but i don't really fugg wit turds & wanted to axe how to 'normalize' [is this the werd?] deez numbaz so they owl got similar levels & don't jump around like the mixes i make for my shitty girlfriends. yaknow? hit me up
the mix is already or yet to be recorded? and how you putting them together? vinyl and dj mixer?
after recording what i use is Peak to edit and normalize. but any other wave editor will do (some people seem to regard Peak as inferior but whatever. it works)
while recording you can just pay attention to the specific character of each record, and give it a little bass boost here and a little treble cut there...
hope that helps? or is there something more specific?
and you gon upload sumadeez tingz or is they only for yo bitches?
and the troll is tubert i'm pretty sure. poor confused guy.
tanx kid, i prolly shoulda checked the 'email follow-up comments to owl...' box but live/learn. so dig, the tunes is owlready in empy tree form, but at various bit rates & db's. some come booming out & others are barely there. we are not really talkin sick jams or nothin yet, this aint my supersecret forgotten vinyl stache. more like chit that i been spinnin this last month that sounds good together. so is this peak chit free & if not, what is? just need an eq typa thing or loudness booster/peak limiter or fuggit... here's m'email
perhaps u mite hute back & we wouldn't hafta communiccummate thru commenntts, unless this is the prefered method. at least this thyme owl know if you answered. hope owl is well in berlin brudda
Was quite underwhelmed (after all this deep thinking and texts) by the rather boring set from Krakow - but there's a nut for every bolt I guess... ;-)
thanks for comment.
so what was a recent exciting dj set you heard? just curious.
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